Staff List

Our staff team are always willing to help with any questions or queries you may have. For the quickest response, we recommend that you contact the school office on (01763) 208203 or email where the school secretaries will be able to support you or redirect your enquiry to the right person.
For children in school, it may be appropriate to direct your query to the class teacher in the first instance, but please note that, whilst teaching, teachers will not be able to check their email. We aim to make a first response to your query within two school days of your contact and respond more fully within ten school days if the circumstances require it. 
  • Mrs Toni Parker

    Teaching Assistant, Caretaker and Midday Supervisor

  • Mrs Jacqueline Rands

    Teaching Assistant

  • Mrs Anna Morris

    Teaching Assistant

  • Mrs Lorna Chisholme

    Teaching assistant & Midday Supervisor

  • Ms Katie Neal


  • Mrs Sally Ayre

    Senior Midday Supervisor

  • Mrs Sarah Wood

    Midday Supervisor

  • Mrs Mandy Harrup

    School Cleaner