
Behaviour at Fowlmere Primary School
Fowlmere Primary School has a therapeutic approach to behaviour management which has been inspired by the Step On training that the school has received from the Cambridgeshire Steps team.  Please see the guide for parents by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page.
Behaviour is everything a person says or does.  there is a wide spectrum of behaviour going from pro-social to extreme anti-social behaviour.  Our aim is to increase the pro-social behaviour, the behaviour that is positive, helpful and values social acceptance.  Behaviour which is characterised by a concern for the rights, feelings and welfare of other people and benefits others or society.
All adults are responsible for promoting pro-social behaviour, we will aim to continuously promote pro social feelings with our children.
Pro-social behaviours that are valued in our school include:
A sense of right and wrong
Respect for the environment
Working co-operatively and including others
Honesty and trust
Politeness and good manners
A positive attitude to life and learning
Care for their property and that of others
Respect for other people, their views, their culture and their work.
All adults have high expectations of everyone's behaviour.